Cancer: LifeArc is working in partnership with Worldwide Cancer Research

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We have worked in partnership with Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR) since 2011 to ensure that intellectual property arising from their international portfolio of research grants is actively managed for the benefit of people affected by cancer.

Dr. Helen Rippon said, “LifeArc’s extensive expertise in the commercialisation of medical research is invaluable. It is not an exaggeration to say that without this partnership we would struggle to oversee this crucial aspect of our research investment; a charity of our size simply does not have the resource to develop this function in-house.”

But LifeArc’s contribution goes far beyond the protection of financial investment. We also regularly advise WCR’s grantholders and their host institutions on intellectual property management, funding, commercialisation and access to research tools.

“We view our partnership with LifeArc as vital to ensuring the discovery research we support across the globe has the best chance of reaching patients and going on to reduce the number of lives cut short by cancer.” added Dr. Rippon, “It also creates a potential revenue stream for the charity that, if realised, will be immediately reinvested in pioneering cancer research”.

Pictured: Dr Helen Rippon, Chief Executive, WCR