General Archive

  • News releases

    MRC Technology and Chinese Academy of Science collaborate to identify new targets for drug discovery

    The collaboration will combine the SIBCB’s research expertise in generating potential new drug targets, with MRC Technology’s experience in further…

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  • News releases

    MRC Technology supports Parkinson’s UK through its research grant terms approval service

    Parkinson’s UK is the latest medical research funder to benefit from its recently launched research grant terms approval service. As…

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  • Articles & blogs

    Justin Bryans in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

    Justin Bryans, MRC Technology’s Director of Drug Discovery, has been quoted in a Nature Reviews Drug Discovery article about funding…

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  • News releases

    MRC Technology launches small molecule compound library access scheme

    Scheme provides access to a representative subset of 9,000 compounds from 150,000 strong small molecule compound library to academic research…

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  • News releases

    Intellect Neurosciences and MRC Technology announce humanization of next-generation monoclonal antibody to amyloid beta with reduced potential for inflammation in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients

    MRC Technology and Intellect Neurosciences have completed humanization of 82E1, a mouse monoclonal antibody to create a high-affinity stabilized IgG4…

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  • News releases

    New postpartum haemorrhage drug discovery project launched

    A collaboration between MRC Technology and Dr Andrew Blanks at the University of Warwick has been launched to develop inhibitors…

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  • News releases

    GPCR collaboration with Heptares extended

    The collaboration covers the structure and active conformations of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), and other transmembrane proteins. Building upon their…

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  • News releases

    New ACTH-dependent Cushing’s Syndrome drug discovery project launched

    Collaboration between MRC Technology and Queen Mary University of London to develop melanocortin receptor type 2 (MC2R) antagonists for the…

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  • News releases

    New drug discovery collaborations with Queen Mary University of London launched

    The first collaboration will develop selective formyl peptide receptor 2 (FPR2) agonists for the treatment of ischaemia reperfusion injury. The…

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  • News releases

    MRCT announce second drug discovery collaboration with University of Bristol

    This project will focus on developing novel modulators of the second galanin receptor subtype (GalR2) for neuropathic pain, a major…

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  • News releases

    Mount Sinai School of Medicine and MRC Technology to collaborate on monoclonal antibody production and humanization

    The collaboration will focus on the development of monoclonal antibodies that can be commercialized as drugs to control infection and…

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  • News releases

    MRC Technology launches research grant terms approval service

    The newly-launched research grant terms approval service, provided the MS Society with the first review. As an expert in commercialising…

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