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  • The gloved hands of a lab-coated scientist hold two vials and a pen above lab bench and a tray of vials.

    Muscular Dystrophy Translational Research Fund

    Muscular Dystrophy Translational Research Fund The Muscular Dystrophy Translational Research Fund is a joint fund created by LifeArc and Muscular…

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  • A rack of test tubes containing bright orange coloured liquid.
    News releases

    LifeArc funds pivotal clinical trial to treat an ultra-rare genetic disease with possible link to leader of the mutiny on the Bounty in 1789

    A pivotal clinical trial to look at repurposing the UK-licensed medicine, deferiprone, for patients with neuroferritinopathy, an ultra-rare genetic disease…

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  • A scientist in a white lab coat pipettes liquid into a small vial.
    Articles & blogs

    6 challenges in rare disease research and how we can overcome them

    Rare conditions, individually, have low patient numbers. However, with more than 7,000 rare diseases identified, collectively there are millions of…

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  • LifeArc's Catriona Crombie at the Beacon Drug Repurposing Conference, Oct 22
    Articles & blogs

    Catriona Crombie talks to Rare Revolution about LifeArc’s investment of more than £100 million into rare disease research by 2030

    Catriona discusses why LifeArc is well placed to help overcome some of the obstacles in rare disease research

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  • Young patient holding hand with a parent in hospital
    News releases

    Groundbreaking new £100m LifeArc programme aims to improve the lives of people living with a rare disease

    Brings together the world-leading expertise of Health Data Research UK, University of Edinburgh, LifeArc, Eisai and Gates Ventures

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  • Scientist in LifeArc's lab pipetting into vials
    News releases

    LifeArc and Sarcoma UK fund research to guide treatment decisions in rare cancer

    £150,000 grant will fund a study of a biomarker test that could improve outcomes for patients with a rare sarcoma…

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  • LifeArc scientist inserting an electronic pipette into a small conical flask containing liquid cell culture.
    Articles & blogs

    Translational research into children’s rare diseases enters 5th year of collaborative funding

    Accelerating research that will have a significant impact on the treatment of children and young people

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  • Pharmacist holding medicine box and capsule pack in pharmacy drugstore.
    News releases

    LifeArc launches £40m funding call to create Translational Rare Disease Centres

    Centres to become focal points for rare disease research translation and engagement with the patient community across the UK.

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  • LifeArc scientist selecting samples in orange-capped vials from a grey, multi-well plate for testing.
    News releases

    LifeArc plans two major funding calls to boost translational research in rare disease & lung health in cystic fibrosis

    The calls are part of our wider £100m programme to support scientific innovation for people living with cystic fibrosis.

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  • The Edwards family, left-to-right, father, two children, mother
    Articles & blogs

    Rare Disease Day 2023 – Robbie’s story

    Robbie has a rare genetic neurodegenerative disease known as AP-4 Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (AP-4 HSP) subtype SPG47.

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  • Rare Disease Day graphic
    Articles & blogs

    Four ways we support rare disease research

    LifeArc provides a range of advice, funding and science to help scientists turn promising research into potential treatments.

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  • Two young females wearing casual clothing and backpacks walk towards the doors of a large modern building.
    Articles & blogs

    LifeArc awards £3 million to advance promising early rare disease research from the lab to the patient

    Pump-prime funding to help researchers get innovative approaches off the ground

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